Jennifer Ferguson
~Mother~Wife~Pluviophile~Educator~Facilitator @sapienceED~WeCollab Lead @Jigsaw_Learning~ *Shares own views *Retweets to generate discourse
Appears in 51 Episodes
Foundational Understandings of Collaborative Response (Lorna Hewson)
Lorna Hewson, Lead Learner and Co-Founder of Jigsaw Learning, shares how the journey of Collaborative Response has established some deep foundational understandings th...
The Pursuits of Online Learning (Sandi Harrower/Tara Tanner)
Divisional Principal Tara Tanner and Early Learning Supervisor/Learning Coach Sandi Harrower share the journey of the LRSD Pursuits Program.
Online Learning Part 3: Considerations for Online Teacher (Colin Byers)
Learning Associate Colin Byers shares considerations for online teaching, including thoughts to ponder for leaders of online teachers.
Online Learning Part 2: Considerations for Online Communities (Colin Byers)
Learning Associate Colin Byers speaks to routines, rituals, digital citizenship, and structures as being key to building community online.
Collaborative Response in the High School Context (Chris Adamson)
Chris Adamson, Vice Principal of Innisfail High School, shares a journey of Collaborative Response.
Online Learning Part 1: Considerations for Learning and Equity (Colin Byers)
New Learning Associate Colin Byers discusses the similarities and differences between classroom, online, and e-learning, as well as considerations for instructional de...
Reimagining Mission, Vision, and Team Dynamics (Amber Hester)
Lead Learner Amber Hester speaks to the foundational statements that support teams identifying their purpose and function, the changing direction of commitments as a r...
Responsive Environments: Re-establishing Whole School and Classroom Expectations and Structures (Lana Nogue/Kathleen Robertson)
Learning Associates Lana Nogue and Kathleen Robertson share curiosities and possibilities about Re-Establishing Whole School and Classroom Structures and Expecations t...
Collaborative Response as a Catalyst for System Reform Part 3: Growing the Mindset (Mark Davidson)
In this third of a three part series, Mark Davidson, Superintendent of Medicine Hat Public Schools, shares the next steps to be taken in growing the mindset behind Col...
Collaborative Response as a Catalyst for System Reform Part 2: Challenges and Successes (Mark Davidson)
In this second of a three part series, Mark Davidson, Superintendent of Medicine Hat Public School Division, shares challenges and successes of implementing Collaborat...
Collaborative Response as a Catalyst for System Reform Part 1: The Journey (Mark Davidson)
In the first of a three part series, Mark Davidson, Superintendent of Medicine Hat Public School Division, shares the journey of identifying universal instructional pr...
Supporting Beginning Teachers: An Unprecedented First Year (Cheryl Gascoyne)
Learning Associate Cheryl Gascoyne shares her experiences about working with beginning teachers, building relationships with district personnel, and genuinely caring: ...
Structuring and Supporting Intentional Learning and Connectedness (Kurtis Hewson/Lorna Hewson)
Co-Founders and Lead Learners of Jigsaw Learning Kurtis and Lorna Hewson speak to the work that is underway with partners and the team focused on learning and connecti...
Finding the Positive in the Pandemic (Lana Nogue)
Lana Nogue, Learning Associate with Jigsaw Learning, shares some of the positive experiences she encountered in working with partners in education during the Covid-19 ...
Leading with Grace and Ease Through a Time of Uncertainty (Marilyn Schmitke)
Learning Associate Marilyn Schmitke is asked about what it means to lead with grace and ease and how that might be accomplished when leading a learning community faced...
Planning for Intentional Connectedness: Layering Meetings During a Pandemic (Kurtis Hewson)
Lead Learner Kurtis Hewson speaks to the intentional layering of meetings and amplifying structures and processes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Seeking Staff Buy In? Ask the Right Questions (Marilyn Schmitke)
Marilyn Schmitke, Learning Associate with Jigsaw Learning, shares some thoughts from a leadership perspective about how it is questioning, not buy in, that leads to st...
Fundamental Shifts in Collaborative Response (Kurtis Hewson)
Kurtis Hewson, Lead Learner with Jigsaw Learning, goes deeper in the discussion about his recent blog post highlighting shifts that have resulted from learning in the ...
Impact of CRM on School Culture (Arlene Littlemore)
In this interview, Arlene Littlemore shares her experience of implementing Jigsaw Learning's Collaborative Response Model as a school leader and the growth that was se...
Impact of CRM on District Support for Students and Schools
This episode with Lorna Hewson focuses on how the deep understanding of the Collaborative Response Model at the district level can align processes to enhance supports ...
Why CRM? (Kurtis Hewson)
An interview with Jigsaw Learning Co-Founder and Lead Learner Kurtis Hewson discussing the development, growth, and impact of the Collaborative Response Model